This wall of flowers is controlled by 800 stepping motors to make each flowers open and close, and graphics emerge from them. We were in charge of the control hardware, and the prototype of STEP800 was created during the creation of this work. Saqoosha's Unity program sent motion data to 100 boards via Open Sound Control to achieve the beautiful flower movement with various speed.
Client: 大丸松坂屋百貨店
Account Company: 株式会社Quark tokyo
Planning / Production: dot by dot inc.
Production: TASKO inc.
Planner / Producer: 藤原 愼哉
Creative Director: 谷口 恭介
Technical Director: Saqoosha
Designer: 高谷 優偉
Director: ながしまみのり
Associate Producer: 福地 諒
Technical Director / Developer: 木村 匡孝 (TASKO inc.)
Space Designer / Set Designer: 北澤 岳雄 (TASKO inc.)
Flower Designer: 今泉 冴也香 (MY'S)
Set Designer / Developer: 佐藤方紀 (TASKO inc.)
Set Designer / Product Designer: 林 民夫 (TASKO inc.)
Device Engineer: 堀尾 寛太
Device Engineer: 沖山 良太 (TASKO inc.)
Assistant: 坂田亮一 (TASKO inc.)
Assistant: 佐々田恒彦
Assistant: 長原聡磨
Assistant: 関 亮人
Assistant: 石島響
Assistant: 北川 万里江
Assistant: 若菜直子
Assistant: 正田達也
Assistant: 田井地直己 (TASKO inc.)
CG Designer: 坂川拓真 (TASKO inc.)
CG Designer: 渡辺華代 (TASKO inc.)