STEP series

STEP Series is a series of stepper motor drivers that incorporate all of the know-how we have accumulated in various exhibitions/stages. Quiet and accurate stepper motors can be easily controlled via Open Sound Control (OSC).

There are two lines of products: STEP400/STEP800, which are sold as products, and STEP100/200, which are made by DIY by combining commercial modules by yourself. You can use the same command system throughout the series.

Driver chipPowerSTEP01L6470PowerSTEP01L6470
Input voltage12-50V8-45V12-72V9-32V
Max. phase current5A3A5A3A

The Arduino-based firmware and board design data are all provided as open source, as well as sample projects in openFrameworks, Processing, Max, TouchDesigner, Unity, Node-RED, and Python libraries.

For more information, please see the Products page.

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