Motor control

Motor movement

/run (int)motorID (float)speed


Argument Range Description
motorID 1-4/1-8, 255 motor ID
speed -15625 - 15625 [step/s] Rotation speed

Executable timing

In motion start condition


Rotates the motor at specified speed. The acceleration is controlled with the pre-set speed profile. The speed is limited by maxSpeed. It remains in the BUSY state until the motor reached to the specified speed.

/move (int)motorID (int)step


Argument Range Description
motorID 1-4/1-8, 255 motor ID
step Moving step counts

Executable timing

When the motor is stopped, and In motion start condition.


Moves specified number of steps according to the pre-set speed profile. It remains in the BUSY state until reaches to the specified step counts. This command can only execute when the motor is stopped.

/goTo (int)motorID (int)position


Argument Range Description
motorID 1-4/1-8, 255 motor ID
position -2,097,152 - 2,097,151 Destination

Executable timing

In motion start condition


Moves to the specified position in the shortest route according to the pre-set speed profile. Remains in the BUSY state until it finishes moving to the specified position.

Inside the driver, -2,097,152 and 2,097,151 are located next to each other in a loop.

/goToDir (int)motorID (bool)DIR (int)position


Argument Range Description
motorID 1-4/1-8, 255 motor ID
DIR 0-1
position -2,097,152 - 2,097,151 Destination

Executable timing

In motion start condition


Moves to the specified position in the specified direction according to the pre-set speed profile. Remains in the BUSY state until it finishes moving to the specified position.


/softStop (int)motorID


Argument Range Description
motorID 1-4/1-8, 255 motor ID

Executable timing



After decelerating according to the speed profile, the motor stops while it is kept excited. Remains in the BUSY state until the motor stops. If it was originally in the High Z state, the motor will be excited while it keeps its position.

If it was in the servo mode, the mode will be released.

/hardStop (int)motorID


Argument Range Description
motorID 1-4/1-8, 255 motor ID

Executable timing



Immediately stops the motor and leaves it excited. Remains in the BUSY state until the motor stops. If it was originally in the High Z state, the motor is excited while it keeps its position.

If it was in the servo mode, the mode will be released.

/softHiZ (int)motorID


Argument Range Description
motorID 1-4/1-8, 255 motor ID

Executable timing



Decelerate according to the speed profile, then stop the motor and release excitation. When the excitation is released, it goes into the High Z state. It remains in the BUSY state until the motor is stopped. If it was in the servo mode, it will be released. if electromagnetic brake mode is enabled, the controller puts the brake into hold state, and then transits to High Z state.

/hardHiZ (int)motorID


Argument Range Description
motorID 1-4/1-8, 255 motor ID

Executable timing



Immediately stops the motor and releases the stepper excitation. When the motor excitation is released, it goes into the High Z state. Remains in the BUSY state until the motor is stopped. If it was in the servo mode, it will be released. if electromagnetic brake mode is enabled, the controller puts the brake into hold state, and then transits to High Z state.

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